New eBooks About Animals

Friday, January 11, 2008

Feel Like Froggin Out!


'The Natural Pet Food Cookbook:' by Wendy Nan Rees,Kevin Schlanger. I am impressed by the research and quality of this cookbook. I hope Ms. Rees continues to publish pet related books-her winning way of writing, the solid information she departs, and her great graphic style all combine to make her one of America's top pet lifestyle advisors.

'Frogs and Toads: Your Happy Healthy Pet' by Steve Grenard. This eBook is great for the beginner fogger, the experienced fogger, and everyone in between. Very informative, easy to understand, and written with the person who needs a quick reference in mind! It's pretty informative and mentions a lot of different species of frogs/toads. I have toads, and it was hard to find a book about them. If you have Frogs, or want to make delicious Healthy Food for your pets, then use the Coupon Code below to receive a Discount on either of these two eBook Titles.

The Natural Pet Food Cookbook: Healthful Recipes for Dogs and Cats (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Rees, Wendy Nan, Schlanger, Kevin
The unprecedented pet food recall that began in March 2007 has pet owners very concerned. Many have become mistrustful of commercial food manufacturers and instead are turning to home-cooked meals as a way to ensure that their pets remain safe.
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Frogs and Toads: Your Happy Healthy Pet (Adobe Reader) eBook edition by Grenard, Steve
Frogs and toads are perennial favorite pets. They include easy-to-care for breeds and intriguing, exotic varieties. For both first-time pet owners and life-long hobbyists, frogs and toads can make fascinating pets, but it is essential to learn how to care for them properly.
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Buy either of these titles this week, and recieve an extra 5% off your total purchase - so read all you want - these titles and much more await you at!
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